www.thepalio.eu - dal Belgio con amore
The mossiere is the only and undisputed judge about the validity of the start (the so-called “mossa”). The mossiere can also drop the cord (canape) for safety reasons, when one or more contrade tries to “force” the start. When the canape is lowered but the mossiere is of the opinion that the start is not valid (incorrect alignment, exchanged positions, etc.), he declares the mossa as non valida (not valid).
“[…]The Mossiere is the only and last judge of the moment at which the start must be given and of its validity […]”
(Art 65 of the Palio-regulations)
It is also the mossiere that calls the contrade between the ropes in the order designated by fate. He can also decide to send the horses back outside to relax, without changing the order. It is also up to him to alert the fantini to ‘bad’ behavior. After the Palio, memories (richiami) or exhortations (ammonizioni) will be translated into possible penalties. The mossiere is not authorized to exclude contrade during the starting procedure.
He is appointed by the municipal council of Siena, on the advice of the 17 captains.
The cord must be dropped at the right moment; namely at the moment that the rincorsa (10th) with the neck of the horse reaches the level of the second rope. As soon as he sees the start as valid, he is immediately escorted from the Piazza for safety reasons and driven out of the city in a car.
Overview of starters since the introduction of the new rule. Since then, starters have been appointed by the city on the recommendation of the captains. Before that the job was performed by a police officer.
Sarrocchi Lodovico Tito (2.7.1894 – 19.8.1894)
Cavallotto Giovanni (2.7.1895 – 16.8.1897)
Sarrocchi Lodovico Tito (3.7.1898)
Landozzi Angelo (16.8.1898)
Fabbrini Leonildo (2.7.1899 – 17.4.1904)
Pellegrini Amerigo (3.7.1904 – 16.8.1904)
Alessandri Carlo (2.7.1905)
Pellegrini Amerigo (16.8.1905 – 2.7.1907)
Meucci Pasquale (16.8.1907 – 3.7.1908)
Balli Lodovico (16.8.1908 – 4.7.1909)
Meucci Pasquale (16.8.1909 – 25.9.1913)
Benvenuti Venturino (2.7.1914 – 2.7.1922)
Meucci Pasquale (16.8.1922)
Benvenuti Venturino (2.7.1923 – 16.8.1924)
Ponticelli Adolfo (2.7.1925 – 16.8.1926)
Benvenuti Venturino (2.7.1927 – 2.7.1928)
Bagnoli Giovanni (16.8.1928)
Lodovici Olinto (14.9.1928)
Sampieri Gino (2.7.1929)
Ricci Guglielmo (16.8.1929 – 3.7.1932)
Sampieri Gino (16.8.1932)
Ricci Guglielmo (2.7.1933 – 2.7.1934)
Felici Ezio (16.8.1934)
Guidarini Guido (2.7.1935 – 16.8.1937)
Giovannoni Alfredo (2.7.1938 – 2.7.1939)
Ricci Guglielmo (16.8.1939 – 2.7.1945)
Pini Lorenzo (16.8.1945 – 2.7.1946)
Ricci Guglielmo (16.8.1946 – 2.7.1947)
Guidarini Guido (16.8.1947 – 2.7.1957)
Casilli Paolo (16.8.1957 – 16.8.1958)
Fagnani Carlo Andrea (2.7.1959 – 16.8.1963)
Pesciatini Wilson (2.7.1964 – 16.8.1965)
Fagnani Carlo Andrea (2.7.1966)
Pesciatini Wilson (17.8.1966)
Baini Vittorio (2.7.1967)
Fuligni Jago (16.8.1967)
Valentini Fedro (24.9.1967)
Baini Vittorio (2.7.1968 – 2.7.1969)
Vanni Sabatino (16.8.1969 – 16.8.1972)
Calabrò Gioacchino (17.8.1972 – 16.8.1973)
Atanasi Ilario (2.7.1974 – 16.8.1977)
Palmieri Carlo (3.7.1978 – 16.8.1979)
Ricci Ulrico (2.7.1980 – 3.7.1983)
Fanucchi Francesco (16.8.1983)
Valenti Rodolfo (2.7.1984 – 16.8.1985)
D’Inzeo Piero (2.7.1986 – 16.8.1987)
Checcoli Mauro (2.7.1988 – 16.8.1988)
Masala Daniele (2.7.1989 – 16.8.1989)
Roman Euro Federico (2.7.1990)
Pesciatini Wilson (16.8.1990)
Cisi Amos (3.7.1991 – 16.8.1996)
Costantini Dino (3.7.1997 – 16.8.1997)
Turner Mario (2.7.1998 – 2.7.1999)
Giorgi Enzo (16.8.1999)
Guglielmi da Vulci Giorgio (2.7.2000 – 16.8.2002)
Capozzella Norberto (2.7.2003)
Masala Daniele (16.8.2003)
Ambrosione Bartolo (2.7.2004 – 16.8.2004)
Masala Daniele (2.7.2005 – 16.8.2006)
Guglielmi da Vulci Giorgio (2.7.2007)
Costantini Dino (16.8.2007)
Guglielmi da Vulci Giorgio (2.7.2008 – 16.8.2009)
Ambrosione Bartolo (2.7.2010 – 16.8.2011)
Natale Chiaudani (2.7.2012)
Ambrosione Bartolo (16.8.2012 – 17.8.2015)
Fabio Magni (2.7.2016 – 20.10.2018)
Ambrosione Bartolo (2.7.2019 – 16.8.2019)
Renato Bircolotti (2.7.2022)
Ambrosione Bartolo (16.8.2022 – 4.7.2024)
Renato Bircolotti (17.8.2024)
Last update : 20 august 2024