www.thepalio.eu - dal Belgio con amore
Storia del Palio
On this page we give an overview of the articles we have written from the category ‘Storia del Palio’ in which we try to provide more information about smaller aspects of the Palio. Please note, this page will be updated when new articles appear.
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Info Palio
La bandiera verde – what do the regulations provide when it rains
As some of you know, the rain sometimes plays an unwanted leading role during the Quatro Giorni. Since 2010, 14 trials have been canceled in...
Read MoreHow is the starting order during the prove determined?
We are rapidly approaching the first day of the Quattro Giorni, the day of the tratta, the assegnazione and the first prova. In this article...
Read MoreThe rules for the allocation of horses.
Having previously discussed the rules regarding the presentation of the horses and battery, it is now time to discuss the allocation, as well as the...
Read MoreHow do they choose the 10 horses
Tomorrow is the day of the Tratta in which the horses are chosen that will be assigned to the 10 participating Contrade. In this article...
Read MoreThe rules regarding the presentation of the horses and the batterie
1676 was a turning point in the history of the Palio. The Biccherna, who organized the Palio, decided to give all districts, including the less...
Read MoreThe Piazza del Campo analyzed
In the run-up to the Palio, we summarize some interesting facts about the Piazza del Campo. This thanks to www.ilpalio.org and La Voce Del Palio.
Read MoreHow is the estrazione done?
Not everyone knows how the estrazione works, not even in Siena. On the site www.ilpalio.org we found the following description: “The mayor places the names...
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