Applause and emotion at the presentation of the drappellone by Emma Sergeant

Applause, lots of applause and a lot of emotion at the presentation of the Palio. Especially since it was more than two years ago because of the covid pandemic. British artist Emma Sergeant, who had held an exhibition at the Tartuca Museum in 2018, painted the drappellone for the Palio on July 2, 2022.

The Madonna di Provenzano once again dominates the city of Siena in the Drappellone, with the face of a real woman. A fresco full of life, that is how the artist herself defined it. We also see a special dedication to the horse, which is so loved by the Sienese and the
protagonist is of the Palio.

Also applause for the Masgalano, offered by the Sienese Goliardi. This was in principle foreseen in 2020, but due to the cancellation due to the pandemic, it was therefore only provided in 2022. The prize for the best display during the corteo storico was created by sculptor and engraver Dante Mortet.