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Follow the 4 giorni on (web)TV?
Siena has two regional TV channels; Canale 3 and Siena TV. Both will bring the Palio to your home via their WebTV between August 10 and 17. As in July, both will bet on a lot of live broadcasts, framing programs with analyzes and some established formats dedicated to the Palio.
The live coverage will start with the broadcast of the revealing of the Drappellone on August 10 and the Prove regolamentate on August 11 and 12. On August 13, in addition to registering the horses, they also broadcast the batterie and the assegnazione. In addition, they both have their interpretation and analysis programs. Let’s list them briefly.
SienaTV broadcasts “Processo alla Prova” every afternoon, directed by Matteo Borsi and Veronica Costa. On August 13, after the assegnazione, you will be able to follow live which fantino goes to which contrada. “Processo alla Prova” will also be broadcast on August 14, 15 and 16 from 1 pm to 3 pm. Those days people look back and forward to the prove.
Canale3 does the same but with “Pranzo sotto le Logge” in which ex-fantini such as Bastiano, Il Pesse and Cianchino give their opinion. This can be viewed daily from 13h00. On August 13, this is after the Assegnazione around 1:30 pm.
On August 16, you will be able to watch the live broadcast of the Corteo Storico on both channels from 4:50 pm. This is followed by the broadcast of the Palio, but you will only be able to see this on La7 (more later).
From 11 p.m., “Processo al Palio” will follow on SienaTV, full of comments, interviews and analyzes about the race just completed. The day after the Palio, on August 17, you will be able to follow a final analysis in the afternoon between 1 pm and 3 pm (Il Giorno Dopo).
Both channels also live towards the prove in the morning and evening. You will get the atmosphere of the streets towards the Piazza. Canale 3 closes the day with “Cianca lo sa” in which Cianchino talks to Franco Masoni (always at midnight).
The online news site Gazzetta di Siena also shared its programming. They broadcast the presentation of the Palio, Prove di Notte, Tratta and prove. They also have some programs where they discuss the events. This can be followed via their website, youtube channel and facebook page.
- https://www.radiosienatv.it
- https://www.canale3.tv
- https://www.gazzettadisiena.it/
- https://www.youtube.com/@GazzettadiSiena
- https://www.facebook.com/gazzettadisiena/