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Lupa triumphs in the Piazza and wins the Palio of August 16, 2024
The Contrada della Lupa with Dino Pes, known as Velluto on Benitos, won the Palio di Siena of August 16, 2024, dedicated to the Madonna Assunta. This was held on August 17 because of the rain the night before.
The Drappellone was made by Riccardo Guasco. Because of the postponement it was decided not to re-run the Corteo Storico.
Mossiere Renato Bircolotti called the contrade between the ropes as follows: Onda, Istrice, Lupa, Chiocciola, Oca, Leocorno, Selva, Valdimontone, Nicchio and Civetta di rincorsa.
Rivals Istrice-Lupa and Valdimontone-Nicchio were placed side by side. In order to relieve the tension and to give the fantini the chance to make agreements, the mossiere ordered the contrade to leave the ropes.
Second alignment with some positioning problems between the ropes and again Bircolotti lets the Contrade go outside.
Third alignment with great confusion between the ropes. This time Bircolotti waits a few minutes, but is again forced to let the horses out of the ropes, mainly because of the difficulties with Istrice who cannot keep his place. Rival Lupa manages to push him out again and again. We see a similar scenario at a fourth attempt.
At the fifth alignment Civetta comes in. The mossiere gives a false start, although it seemed to be good…
At the end of the lap that the horses are riding, the mossiere calls the Barbareschi to dry the sweat of the horses. At 19:22 a new alignment (the sixth). This time fantino from Valdimontone, Jonatan Bartoletti falls over the rope. The horses can run loose again for a lap.
At a new alignment, there are problems with Brivido Sardo. Nicchio’s horse doesn’t want to stay between the ropes any longer and Tamurè lets him out, followed by the order for everyone to go outside. A vet comes to check if everything is OK with the animal. They are also sent back outside quickly at the 8th attempt.
At 19:33 we arrive at the ninth attempt, with the usual problems with horses being pushed down and Istrice who can’t keep his place.
Civetta, on Tittia’s instruction, comes in at 19:40. The start is considered valid. Lupa, Oca and Selva start excellently. In the first San Martino, Lupa takes the lead, followed by Selva, Oca and Civetta.
The horses pass the Palazzo Pubblico in one long line: Lupa, Selva, Oca, Civetta, Istrice, Chiocciola, Valdimontone, Nicchio, Onda and Leocorno.
The race continues without any significant changes, apart from a strong overtaking move by Chiocciola who, in the second San Martino, takes third place.
We reach the last lap without any falls. The positions do not change and the Contrada della Lupa wins the Palio dell’Assunta with Dino Pes, known as Velluto on Benitos, followed by Selva, Chiocciola, Oca and Istrice.
After the Palio, the inhabitants of Via di Vallerozzi leave the Piazza triumphantly with horse and fantino and head to the Duomo of Siena to pay homage to the Madonna Assunta. Dino Pes (Velluto), born in Silanus (Nu) on 12 December 1980, achieves his first victory (out of a total of ten participations). The horse Benitos, a seven-year-old, takes the victory on his debut in Piazza del Campo. The Contrada della Lupa experiences its thirty-eighth victory.