www.thepalio.eu - dal Belgio con amore
Palio postponed to Saturday August 17, 2024
The Palio will take place tomorrow, Saturday 17th August, at 19:00. It was postponed due to the rain on 16th August during the Corteo Storico. The City Council of Siena decided this after a meeting tonight, Friday 16th August, with the Deputati della Festa and the Captains of the ten Contrade who participate.
It was decided not to re-run the Corteo Storico. The track will be cleared at 17:10. From 17:40 to 18:40 you can still get onto the Piazza via Giovanni Dupré; from 17:50 to 18:30 the horses will be brought into the Cortile del Podestà.
At 18:50 the “sbandierata della vittoria” will be done in front of the Palazzo Pubblico. The horses will leave the Entrone at 19:00.
The workers of the municipality of Siena will start working early tomorrow morning to prepare the tufo and make the track passable again.
You can follow the Palio again via the same channels as on Friday 16 August.